Criminal Annals,Part 125 – The Lost Found

Jumping to the September 23, 1852 edition of the Sacramento “Daily Union,” we find a number of interesting stories, including one that solves a disappearance that was reported just a few days before.

“THE LOST FOUND.— Mr. Patrick Venable, whose wife was in the city last Monday in search of him, we are happy to learn on account of his distressed wife, has turned out to be above ground. He missed his road, as was suspected, and after traveling several miles longer, he found out his mistake, jumped on the stage as it came along, and came to the city, leaving his almost distracted wife to conclude he had been murdered. Mr. Venable arrived at the Missouri Hotel yesterday evening, and expects his wife from Shingle Springs in the Placerville stage to-day. When he arrives she should pull his ears well, for having thoughtlessly caused her so much mental pain and distress.”

“Recorders Court— Before Judge McGrew. September 22, 1852.

“William O’Rourke was arraigned for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The family of O’Rourkes have been distinguished from the days of the “Dead Boxer” [?] till the present period, and William proves no exception to the rule.

“‘Of what am I accused, yer honor’ said he, in he true Hibernian accent. ‘Drunkenness and disorderly conduct,’ answered the Recorder.

“‘It is false,’ replied Mr. O’Rourke. with indignation. ‘May I speak, yer honor?’

“That privilege was granted to the prisoner, who entered into a very spirited defence of his conduct; asserting that he was taking a quiet cup of coffee about nine o’clock the evening previous, when he found himself confronted by a man in black whiskers, who practised upon him various impositions. ‘I’m not eloquent nor learned,’ said he, ‘but this is God’s truth that I’m telling yer honor.’

“A witness summoned to the stand showed a slight anachronism committed by Mr. O’Rourke, inasmuch as his arrest took place between the hours of two and three, a. m., the time at which he was accused of being disorderly; but William scorned to be particular about trifles, and let the error pass without comment.

“In consideration of Mr. O’Rourke’s frequent asseverations that he would do right in future, and because the charge of disorderly conduct was not regarded as clearly proven by the Recorder, he was dismissed with the admonition to carry himself straight in the future.”

“Justice [of the Peace] Sackett’s [Charles C. Sackett] Court.

“Patch and Wickersham vs. Captain and Owners Steamer Antelope.

“This was an action brought to recover the value of a lot of grapes shipped by plaintiffs on steamer Antelope at San Francisco, consigned to one of the firm in this city, and never received by consignee; also, a lot of sweet potatoes, alleged to be short of the quantity shipped.

“It was shown by the plaintiffs that the grapes were shipped on the 2d inst., and demanded on the morning of the 4th inst., when it was found they had been sold on that morning at auction, for about eight cents per pound, and without further advertisement than the placard in front of the sales-room; that they had been sent to the auction house on the night of the 3d inst., for the purpose of sale on the following day. The value of grapes was shown to be about 15 cents per pound. The published notice of the agent of the steamer to consigners, whs also introduced by plaintiff. No satisfactory evidence was introduced of the quantity of potatoes shipped.

“The testimony introduced by defendant, showed that the grapes were delivered on the levee on the 3d inst., and remained there until night, and were then sent to Mr. Perkins with instructions to sell them next morning —which was Saturday —at the latter part of his public sale, as they were a perishable article in a decaying condition; that they were sold in divided lots, and brought a net sum of $46.75, after deducting expenses and freight, which amount had been duly tendered. It was also showned [sic] that one of the plaintiffs saw the grapes on the levee on the morning of the 3d inst., but failed to recognise them, as they were marked differently from the usual shipments of his house.

“It was held by the Court that carriers cannot sell cargo at the post of destination, otherwise than as prescribed by law. Judgment for plaintiff for 583 pounds of grapes at 15 cents per pound, less the freight and drayage.

“Sanders and Tweed for plaintiff, A. C Monson for defendant.”

“DEATH BY DROWNING. — Three men were amusing themselves yesterday afternoon, in a small sail boat, when one of them was struck by the boom while going about, and knocked overboard and drowned. His name could not be ascertained, nor was his body recovered last night at 8 o’clock. This accident occurred alongside the steamer Senator, on the opposite side of the river.”

“PRIZE FIGHT.— A prize fight is advertised in the Auburn Herald [Placer Herald 1852-present], to come off at that place on Sunday, 26th inst., between Thomas Mitchell, of Illinois, and Louis Irons, of Ohio, for $250 a side— S. F. Whig [1852-1853].

“It is to be hoped that both the bullies will receive a sound thrashing, for so vile a desecration of the Lord’s day.”

“LOOK OUT FOR BURGLARS.— Oriental Hotel was entered on Tuesday night and robbed of several articles, principally Chinaware.”



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