In the August 7, 1852 edition of the Sacramento “Daily Union,” is found a column heading called “From the Interior.” Under this heading are stories first from Marysville and then Placerville. “Marysville “ We are indebted to Wells, Fargo &…
Author: Doug Noble
Criminal Annals, Part 100 – Senator Henry Clay Passes
On June 29, 1852 Senator Henry Clay passed away. He and Senator Thomas Hart Benton, the father-in-law of John C. Fremont, were the two strongest proponents of statehood for California and westward expansion. Clay was also popular with the rest…
Criminal Annals, Part 99 – Sink or Swim
Although the newspapers are beginning to fill up with more and more articles and commentary regarding the upcoming Presidential election in November of 1852, there is still a bit of space for local news. In the August 3, 1852 edition…
Criminal Annals, Part 98 – Fatal Duel
The August 3, 1852 edition of the Sacramento “Daily Union,” has a story about something that was fairly common in the early years of California and our country, for that matter, dueling. Involved were James William Denver, a California State…