The April 28, 1860 edition of the “Mountain Democrat” has an interesting note regarding a meeting of local Placerville citizens “to rid themselves of a certain class of suspicious characters.” The meeting involves people living in the Cedar and Spanish…
Author: Doug Noble
Criminal Annals, Part 68 – Two California Stories (Continued)
Last time we left off at a point in the story regarding a murder in the mining camp of Ringgold with Jerry Crane having fired his pistol three times at Miss Susan Newnham. She was the lady with whom he…
Criminal Annals, Part 67 – Two California Stories
In some papers loaned to me by former teacher Tom Carpender, who is a member of an El Dorado County pioneer family, is a story titled, “Two Stories of California Life” by ‘Beverly Washington. It was on faded and mottled…
Criminal Annals, Part 66 – Coroner’s Inquests
Continuing with stories from the pages of 19th Century editions of the “Mountain Democrat,” in the March 31, 1860 edition are found several stories on one page regarding inquests, crimes and even a mining accident. “INQUESTS. – On the 8th…