“Mountain Democrat,” June 14, 1879 (continued) “We had no tools with us, and the only steel instrument, besides a small quill knife, was a pocket corkscrew which Mr. Collins fortunately had in his pocket, by aid of which I made…
The Squaw Hollow Sensation: Part 4 – The Work Begins
“Mountain Democrat,” June 14, 1879 (continued) “From the large vat of my elixer (sic), which I have mentioned already, we carefully lifted one of the prepared subjects. I had prepared two, a male and a female, the second to use…
The Squaw Hollow Sensation, Part 5 – A Visit and Translation Problems
“Mountain Democrat,” June 28, 1879 “Last Saturday eight persons – three ladies and five gentlemen – went from this city out to Ringgold, for the purpose of an interview with Dr. Von Herbst and the person whom he recently resuscitated…
Review – Zac Jack Bistro Wine Dinner
Last night I joined about 30 other people for a wine dinner at Zac Jack Bistro in Cameron Park, which is about 10 miles west of Placerville. The wines were all from the Loire Valley in France. The very…
The Squaw Hollow Sensation: Part 6 – Dr. Von Herbst’s Thoughts
“Mountain Democrat,” July 19, 1879 (continued) “SETHOS” AND PSYCHO-TELEGRAPHY (continued) “Now, memory is s storehouse of the mind, where mental impressions are preserved. In the brain communication is carried on between its different organs or parts by means of certain…
Madrona Vineyards – Camino “Zin for Grillin’ in May”
Zin for Grillin’ “We picked zinfandel as our featured wine for the month of May,” said Paul Bush, owner and winemaker at Madroña Vineyards, “because May kicks off the barbecue season and what better wine for anything you barbecue than…