Although once a thriving mining community to the southeast of Placerville, time has reduced Newtown to just a few buildings and a host of memories. The history of Newtown goes back to the early days of the gold rush when…
Author: Doug Noble
Community Profiles – Negro Hill
Negro Hill, a town on the South Fork of the American River about one-tenth of a mile east of the Sacramento County line, is just one of many early California mining camps named for the miners of African-American descent. There…
Community Profiles – Nashville
About nine miles south of the town of El Dorado is the town of Nashville, which for a time was known as Quartzville, Quartzburg and even Tennessee Bar. It is the one still remaining of a group of towns that…
Community Profiles – Murderer’s Bar
Among the names given to the mining camps of early California, none is more accurately descriptive than the one given a camp on the Middle Fork of the American River – a camp named “Murderer’s Bar.” Although it sometimes shows…