A number of years ago George Peabody, an El Dorado County historian specializing in the history of the Pleasant Valley area, discovered a very interesting story that showed up in a series of articles and letters in several issues of…
Author: Doug Noble
The Squaw Hollow Sensation: Part 2 – The Search Begins
“Mountain Democrat,” June 14, 1879 (continued) “From New York I went to San Francisco, and from there, getting a good outfit of horses and camping conveniences, I retraced my way to the Rocky Mountains, and thence southerly and easterly until…
The Squaw Hollow Sensation: Part 3 – The Discovery
“Mountain Democrat,” June 14, 1879 (continued) “We had no tools with us, and the only steel instrument, besides a small quill knife, was a pocket corkscrew which Mr. Collins fortunately had in his pocket, by aid of which I made…
The Squaw Hollow Sensation: Part 4 – The Work Begins
“Mountain Democrat,” June 14, 1879 (continued) “From the large vat of my elixer (sic), which I have mentioned already, we carefully lifted one of the prepared subjects. I had prepared two, a male and a female, the second to use…