Continuing down the page of the April 28, 1852 edition of the “Daily Union” there is another story about criminal activity, this time concerning a captain of a ship in San Francisco. “ROBBERY AND DEATH.– We learn from the San…
Criminal Annals, Part 84 – Execution of a Murderer
In the April 26, 1852 edition of the “Daily Union” there is a story about a murder and hanging at Monroeville, Colusa county. “EXECUTION OF A MURDERER. “We are indebted to Mr. Hanford, Gregory’s Express messenger, for the following: “A…
Criminal Annals, Part 83 – Who Was Jim Ugly?
There was a story about a hanging of a man named Jim Ugly at Yankee Jim’s, in Placer County, in the April 9, 1852 edition of the Sacramento “Daily Union,” that was included in this column several weeks ago. He…
Criminal Annals, Part 82 – The Coloma Tragedy
Again continuing with the early editions of the Sacramento “Daily Union,” in the April 22, 1852 edition there is a story from Coloma regarding Mr. Dougherty, the prisoner we read about who was not “rescued” from the civil authorities in…
Criminal Annals, Part 81 – Great Excitement at Coloma
Continuing with the early editions of the Sacramento “Daily Union,” in the April 17, 1852 edition there is a story from Coloma regarding two, and almost three, prisoners being “rescued” from the civil authorities. Coloma, at that time, was the…
Criminal Annals, Part 80 – The Calaveras Tragedy
Several people have asked me why I use the Sacramento “Daily Union” for my source for these stories. It was the major newspaper of the area in the early 1850s and provides the best coverage of the news from the…