In some papers loaned to me by former teacher Tom Carpender, who is a member of an El Dorado County pioneer family, is a story titled, “Two Stories of California Life” by ‘Beverly Washington. It was on faded and mottled…
Criminal Annals, Part 66 – Coroner’s Inquests
Continuing with stories from the pages of 19th Century editions of the “Mountain Democrat,” in the March 31, 1860 edition are found several stories on one page regarding inquests, crimes and even a mining accident. “INQUESTS. – On the 8th…
Criminal Annals, Part 65 – Wells Fargo & Co. Robbed
Now that the trial, sentencing and execution of the sentence on James K. Page is finished, we will go back to reviewing some of the crimes found in the early pages of the “Mountain Democrat.” The first story comes for…
Criminal Annals, Part 64 – Page Hanged
James K. Page has been tried and found guilty of murdering the unknown traveler and his horse, both of whom were found dead on Green Valley Road near New York Ravine. Sentencing now has to take place and then the…
Criminal Annals, Part 63 – End of Page Trial
We continue with the story about the hanging of James K. Page, who was on trial for the murder of an unknown man and had previously been in San Quentin for manslaughter until pardoned by then governor of California, George…
Criminal Annals, Part 62 – The Page Trial Continues
We continue with the story about the hanging of James K. Page (previously identified as Thomas K. Page in error), who was on trial for the murder of an unknown man and had previously been in San Quentin for manslaughter…