Page 2 of the May 24, 1850 edition of the “Placer Times” has three small articles in one column that refer to a shooting, a drowning and what to do with a captured runaway slave when the California Constitution forbids…
Criminal Annals, Part 39 – The Placer Times: Watchmen and Gold Coins
There being very little artificial light in early Sacramento during the night, the possibility of a crime or disruption of the peace occurring was high. Thus, the recently established city government took steps to help its citizens and protect the…
Criminal Annals, Part 38 – The Placer Times: Who Has My Purse?
On page two of the May 17, 1850 edition of the “Placer Times,” there is a somewhat confusing, but interesting, article regarding four men who found that drinking and money do not mix. “SERVED THEM RIGHT FOR COMPOUNDING A FELONY.…
Criminal Annals, Part 37 – The Placer Times: The ‘Celestials’
Continuing with the May 13, 1850 edition of the “Placer Times,” on page two there is an interesting article from the San Francisco newspaper, “Alta California,” relating to the Chinese immigrants, who are often looked down upon by the Americans…
Criminal Annals, Part 36 – The Placer Times: Unique or Improbable?
Continuing with the May 3, 1850 edition of the “Placer Times,” on page three there is a short series of articles which were obviously picked up from other newspapers. Although they are really not a part of any criminal activity,…
Criminal Annals, Part 35 – The Placer Times: More on the Foreign Miner’s Tax
Continuing with the May 1, 1850 edition of the “Placer Times,” on page three there is a short article regarding the very questionable “Foreign Miners Tax,” which requires all but Americans to pay a monthly tax or leave their claims.…