Tucked away at the very bottom of page one of the April 6, 1850 issue of the “Placer Times” is an interesting little note about something that is rarely mentioned in history books. “From the Sandwich Islands. – We learn…
Criminal Annals, Part 27 – The Placer Times: Extraordinary Discovery
The March 30, 1850 issue of the “Placer Times” opens with the usual political business and then a story about a new discovery that will change the way people heat and light their houses and will also allow all to…
Criminal Annals, Part 26 – The Placer Times: Changes in the Court Process
Almost the entire front page of the March 16, 1850 edition of the “Placer Times” is devoted to proposed changes in the court process for California. These kinds of government items, along with an increasing amount of news from the…
Steppin’ Out – “Beyond Belief” Burger and “They’re Back”
Well, first of all “Happy New Year.” It’s 2019 and from what I learned in school, so many years ago, among other things by now we should all be flying around in our own personal helicopter instead of driving cars.…
Steppin’ Out – Grand China, Chinese Cuisine
A couple of weeks ago I received a call telling me that Vince Hoang, one of the owners of Grand China, Chinese Cuisine, wanted me to grab a friend and drop by. Well, not one to turn down a great invitation…
Steppin’ Out – Subway in Cool
I didn’t even know there was a Subway sandwich shop in the town of Cool, and apparently a lot of other people didn’t even though it has been there for over12 years. A few weeks ago, when I wrote about…